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  • Text / Community drama
  • Black Acid, Bob226, writer credits
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Session Start: Sun Mar 01 20:20:19 1998 * Logging Chat with bob226 to 'bob226.log' <bob226> joke <bob226> i just say whatc yur ass <BlackAcd> yer jokes aint funny jackass <bob226> about you <bob226> you live in ****** <bob226> right? <BlackAcd> uh huh <BlackAcd> well <BlackAcd> not nemore <BlackAcd> moving to ******* in 2 days <bob226> so you are not on ******? <BlackAcd> nope <bob226> i am not sure <bob226> man.. <bob226> i know where do you live <bob226> i can find you <bob226> where you are <BlackAcd> ok <BlackAcd> come <BlackAcd> we'll meet <BlackAcd> i can supply the burgers <bob226> yeah with Rcmp ♥01☼ ☼_______________☼♥10____________☼♥14______________☼ ♥1|♥ ☻♥14bob226☼☻ (☼~Bob☼♥10@♥☼Retal.Net☼☻)☻ ♥14|♥ ♥10☻n☻ame♥ ♥♥14:♥ Bob226 ♥15|♥ ♥10☻s☻erv♥ ♥♥14:♥ irc.vol.com ♥01☼ ☼»»»»»»»»»»»»»»☼♥10»»»»»»»»»»»»»☼♥14»»»»»»»»»»»»»»☼ <bob226> good luck <bob226> man - DCC session closed Session Close: Sun Mar 01 20:22:36 1998 Session Start: Sun Mar 01 20:25:58 1998 DCC Chat session - Client: bob226 ( - Acknowledging chat request... DCC Chat connection established - <BlackAcd> what now <bob226> gimme name of some guys suply hardware <bob226> or you are busted <BlackAcd> lol <BlackAcd> if i knew hardware suppliers <bob226> you know? <BlackAcd> i wouldnt need to pay for my computer <bob226> gimme info <bob226> of guys suply <BlackAcd> read what i said jackass <BlackAcd> IF I KNEW HW SUPPLIERS, I WOULDNT HAVE TO BUY A COMPUTER - DCC session closed Session Close: Sun Mar 01 20:27:25 1998 Traceroute to Retal.net from cmu.edu 1 DORM-RTR.NET.CMU.EDU ( 0.879 ms 0.581 ms 0.508 ms 2 RTRBONE.NET.CMU.EDU ( 1.126 ms 0.942 ms 0.777 ms 3 nss5.psc.net ( 1.402 ms 1.340 ms 1.450 ms 4 border4-hssi1-0.WillowSprings.mci.net ( 11.459 ms 11.476 ms 11.312 ms 5 core1-fddi-1.WillowSprings.mci.net ( 13.219 ms 15.379 ms * 6 core3.WillowSprings.mci.net ( 18.231 ms 401.883 ms 16.418 ms 7 Hssi4-0.BR1.CHI1.ALTER.NET ( 16.855 ms 13.387 ms 13.946 ms 8 101.ATM2-0-0.XR1.CHI4.ALTER.NET ( 18.223 ms 14.264 ms 15.713 ms 9 100.ATM3-0-0.TR1.CHI4.ALTER.NET ( 15.562 ms 19.240 ms 19.202 ms 10 106.ATM9-0-0.TR1.NYC1.ALTER.NET ( 38.425 ms 36.954 ms 35.584 ms 11 100.ATM4-0-0.XR1.NYC1.ALTER.NET ( 36.312 ms 36.706 ms 35.842 ms 12 195.ATM11-0-0.XR1.BOS1.ALTER.NET ( 40.046 ms 38.564 ms 42.887 ms 13 * * * 14 * ultranet-gw.customer.ALTER.NET ( 45.569 ms * 15 ansglobal-sat0.mbo.ma.ultra.net ( 54.056 ms 68.805 ms ansglobal-sat1.mbo.ma.ult ra.net ( 468.341 ms 16 itd-il-1-s1-s0.itd.co.il ( 757.050 ms 460.663 ms * 17 shani-gw.itd.co.il ( 489.738 ms 523.979 ms 1370.923 ms 18 shani-gg.shani.net ( 537.728 ms 559.354 ms 575.137 ms 19 * * * 20 * * * 21 * * * 22 * * * Seems some .il people are twisted fuckups eh?
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